
Stable super-resolution of positive sources

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In this project, we discovered that an efficient convex optimization algorithm is a near-optimal method for super-resolution of positive sources in the presence of noise. Good algorithms for super-resolution of positive sources are central for future improvements in super-resolved fluorescence microscopy, a method that gives researchers the unique ability to image small structures inside the living cell. The importance of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy is now widely recognized and its inventors were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2014. Mathematically, our work relies on a new interpolation construction in Fourier analysis and on convex duality.


Super-resolution radar

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The method is based on semidefinite programming and allows to increase the resolution of radar beyond its natural limit. To achieve these gains, it is important to use a random (or pseudorandom) probing signal. Mathematically, this work merges ideas from the theory of super-resolution and the theory of compressed sensing with Gabor dictionary.


  • Super-resolution radar
    R. Heckel, V. I. Morgenshtern, and M. Soltanolkotabi
    Information and Inference: J. of the IMA, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 22–75